Get Started with eSignatures: Enabling/Disabling (DocuSign)

Please note: All signature request email links do expire after 30 days. To refresh the link, please send a reminder on the document or share the URL link from inside AdvicePay.

AdvicePay's DocuSign integration allows you to connect your existing DocuSign account to get financial planning agreements and other documents signed as part of your payment requests or independently. Easily access your templates through AdvicePay and become more efficient instantly!

How to Enable

All DocuSign plans can be integrated with AdvicePay.

To enable: Go to Firm Settings > eSignature (tab):

Next, click Enable eSignature:

Select that you want to turn on eSignatures on your account using DocuSign:

You will be prompted to log in to DocuSign to link your account to AdvicePay:

Click Accept to allow AdvicePay to create and send documents on your behalf, and obtain links for signing:

And that's it! Once enabled, all firm advisors with billing permissions in AdvicePay can send out templates you've added to your DocuSign account.

Lastly, by default, the toggle for the setting "which users will have access to eSignature" is set to "on" to allow your users to send documents and sign electronically in your firm.

Below the setting, you'll see an option to click a bubble to All or None. All will allow all users in your firm to use eSignature, whereas None restricts the ability for the use of eSignatures.

How to Reconnect Authorization

If for some reason the connection with your linked DocuSign account were to break, you can easily re-establish the integration by navigating to Docusign Authorization and clicking  Reconnect.

Doing this will prompt the Account Owner for the Docusign login credentials again!

Note: Only the Account Owner has the ability to interact with the Reconnect button.

Synchronize Templates

If changes were made inside of DocuSign, you should always re-connect and use the Synchronize templates button to ensure all new changes are reflected through to show in AdvicePay before sending out documents.

Simply click on the button to ensure those are updated and you can then send out documents as needed.

View Pre-Filled Fields

We now show the DocuSign pre-filled fields that are available for auto-populating fields on your templates. To view them, simply click on the button that says: Show Prefill Fields:

When clicked it will show a review of the fields:

Enable Signer PIN

1. Under  Firm Settings > eSignature toggle Enable signer PIN to on

2. Click  Save

When this feature is turned on and Recipient Authentication is enabled in DocuSign, the signee will receive an email letting them know that they have a document that requires signature. Once they click on the View and Sign button in the email, they will be taken to a DocuSign screen (see example below) where they will see the phone number the PIN will be sent to. 

Signees will need to click on the Send SMS button to receive a SMS message via the phone number listed. Once the PIN has been entered into the box, signees will be taken immediately to the document to sign.

Enabling a signer PIN will only apply to future documents sent. 😀 Any existing documents already sent out for signature at the time of modifying this setting will not require signers to enter a PIN.

❗️Important Notes:

  • Advisors can add a new client attribute named phone number under Firm Settings > Client. Once Advisors add phone numbers in the client's profile under the Clients tab, AdvicePay will auto populate the phone number when Advisors go to send the document.
  • When sending a document, Advisors will see the requirement to enter in a phone number (if there is not one already auto-populated from the attribute in the client's profile).

TIP: Advisors now can edit a phone number or email address on an already sent document (as long as that signer has not completed their portion). If a phone number or email address was added incorrectly and the signer has completed their portion, the document would need to be canceled and re-sent. 

Note that changing the email address and/or phone number on a document does NOT change the signer’s profile in AdvicePay. It is only relevant for that particular document’s routing.

To edit a phone number or email address on an already sent document, navigate to the Document tab in the left main menu, open the drop-down menu on the document, and click Edit Document. A pop-up window will appear where you can edit the email address and/or phone number for signers who have not completed their portion. If they have already signed, their information will be greyed out and unavailable for change.

Important: Once edits have been made to an email address and/or phone number on an already sent document, a reminder email will need to be sent to trigger a new message to your client with the corrected information.

To send a document reminder, you will want to go to Documents and select Send Reminder for the document that needs to be resent.

Enable Primary Agreement Changes

This setting will allow the Home Office to control whether or not to allow advisors in the firm to send out another document when edits are performed on subscriptions. Depending on your firm, you may or may not want to allow an additional document to be sent out.

How to Enable Recipient Authentication in DocuSign

For SMS authentication to work properly, this feature also requires Recipient Authentication to be enabled under DocuSign's Security Settings. Here's how to do that!

1. Ensure Signer PIN is enabled (see above).

2. Navigate to your DocuSign Authentication Settings ( Security Settings > Authentication Settings) and enable your Recipient Authentication Triggers to Every time a recipient accesses an envelope. 

This setting ensures that every time the signed document is viewed, it will require SMS authentication.

Note: The Account Owner, Firm Admins, and Advisors will be still able to view the document as normal (without SMS authentication) under the Documents tab in the AdvicePay portal.

Require identity verification for all signers

If within your DocuSign account, you have the identity verification set to require all signers on any DocuSign template with a phone number for SMS authentication, you must also toggle "on" the Require identity verification for all signers setting within AdvicePay. 

Enabling this setting below within AdvicePay is important if the identity verification setting within DocuSign requiring all signers to have a phone number for SMS authentication is toggled on. 

Note: Only the Account Owner and their Admins have the ability to require identity verification for all signers.

Create Signers

By default, all advisors on the account are permitted to manually enter any email address for the signer.

To disable this setting so that advisors can only select AdvicePay users as signers, toggle Allow advisors to manually create signers to "off".

If disabled, when sending documents advisors must select existing AdvicePay users as a signer recipient. If desired, the email address itself can still be edited to override their standard account email for that particular document. 

Note: If a signer's email is edited when sending a document, that document signature request will be delivered to the updated email. However, it does not change the email on the account for the underlying user. Additionally, the document can still be accessed via the signer's AdvicePay account if they log in.

Template Setup Tips

Take advantage of more advanced options -- such as auto-populated (or pre-filled) fields -- to make a stellar template.

Auto-Populated Fields

To set up fields that automatically populate when the document is sent out for signature:

  1. When creating or editing a template in DocuSign, go to Pre-fill Tools and place a Text field into your document template.

  2. In the field's drop-down menu under Sender Permissions, ensure that Mandatory is unchecked unless this template will ALWAYS have the item required (e.g. an attached payment request, an upfront invoice, etc). See the callout below for more info!

  3. In the field's drop-down menu under Data Label, enter one of the following as written: 

    1. advicepay_client_display_name -- When sent, this will auto-populate the client display name
    2. advicepay_client_name -- When sent, this will auto-populate the printed name of the client name for that role (as entered in AdvicePay)
    3. advicepay_client_email -- When sent the client email will auto-populate from their AdvicePay profile
    4. advicepay_client_id-- When sent, this will auto-populate the client ID AdvicePay assigns
    5. advicepay_client_(custom_attribute) -- add a custom attribute to the end as an example: advicepay_client_phone_number)-- when sent, this will auto-populate the AdvicePay client customer attribute that is added to the end of advicepay_client in the data label
    6. advicepay_advisor_email -- When sent, this will auto-populate the email of the advisor
    7. advicepay_advisor_name -- When sent, this will auto-populate the printed name of the client's advisor name
    8. advicepay_advisor_id -- When sent, this will auto-populate as an ID AdvicePay creates for the Advisor
    9. advicepay_advisor_external_id -- When sent, this will auto-populate as an Advisor ID the firm assigns on their profile
    10. advicepay_advisor_(custom_attribute) -- (add a custom attribute to the end as an example: advicepay_advisor_phone_number)-- when sent, this will auto-populate the AdvicePay client customer attribute that is added to the end of advicepay_client in the data label
    11. advicepay_invoice_services --when sent, this will auto-populate the invoice description of services
    12. advicepay_invoice_amount -- When sent with a payment request, this will auto-populate the invoice amount
    13. advicepay_invoice_frequency -- When sent with a payment request, this will auto-populate the invoice frequency (e.g. one-time, monthly, etc)
    14. advicepay_upfront_invoice_amount -- When sent with a payment request, this will auto-populate the upfront invoice amount for one-time invoices attached to subscriptions
    15. advicepay_due_date -- When sent with a payment request, this will auto-populate the due date


Sender Permissions: Mandatory?

Please note that if you mark a pre-filled Text field as Mandatory (in DocuSign) and we do not have information to populate for the item that is required, when a signer goes to sign it will say “the document may still be in drafts” and they won't be able to proceed. (For example, if a field for "advicepay_upfront_invoice_amount" is Mandatory but the document is sent when there is no upfront invoice attached, signatures cannot be obtained.)

If a pre-filled field is something that may or may not be filled out depending on the circumstance when sending out the document for signatures, as a best practice we recommend leaving Mandatory unchecked!

How to Disable eSignature

Visit Firm Settings > eSignature and toggle Enable eSignature to off. Then confirm that you want to disable:

This will remove the ability to attach documents with payment requests. If you had open documents out for signature, signing will no longer be required before a client makes a payment.

If you have signed or voided documents, they will still be viewable!

Need to switch to a different DocuSign account? 1.  Log out of all DocuSign accounts.

2.  Disable eSignature in AdvicePay by visiting  Firm Settings > eSignature and toggling  Enable eSignature to  off. Then confirm that you want to disable.

3.  Re-enable eSignature at  Firm Settings > eSignature by clicking  Enable eSignature.

Ready to do more with eSignature via DocuSign?

Check out the articles below!

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