Account Invoice Settings: Logos, Payment Methods, Name on Invoice, Additional Info, List of Services

Account Invoice Setting permissions are managed by the Account Owner. Please note that this means some of the below features may not be available on your individual account!

Settings here are managed under your Account Settings, which is accessed via the upper right-hand menu in your account:

Account settings only pertain to your own AdvicePay advisor profile and your assigned clients. They do not impact settings for the entire firm! 

Uploading a Custom Logo

Under Account Settings > Company, you have the option to customize your own logo that your assigned clients see on invoices and in their AdvicePay portal.

Your custom logo will replace:

  • Our/your firm's logo in the upper left hand corner of AdvicePay for both you and your clients
  • The large "INVOICE - #" header on your clients' invoices (including those already issued)
  • Our/your firm's logo in emails to your clients

1. Under Company Logo, drag and drop your logo into the upload box, or click the box to bring up an upload window and select a file from your computer. 

Accepted File Types: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG   |  Size Limit: 1 MB

Tip: Need to make adjustments to your logo in order to upload it? You might try an online editor like Canva or Pixlr! To reduce your file size, you can use an image compression website like TinyJPG!

2. Use the Finalize Logo controls to crop and/or resize the logo if necessary by zooming in or out so that it fits within the rectangle selection box. 

Note that you can make the selection box larger or smaller as well:

3. Click the "✓" button in your control area to save and return to your settings. To remove your logo at any time, click the Delete link.

This setting will not display for customization if it has not been turned on by the Account Owner. If you are an Account Owner or Full-access Advisor, your logo is set by the Firm setting under Firm Settings > Company.

Payment Methods

Under Account Settings > Invoice, go to Payment Methods and select which payment method options you would like for your assigned clients to use when making payments.

Credit Card & ACH (default) -- Clients can make payments with credit/debit cards or ACH. They will see the ability to add both payment method types in their Billing settings, even if a specific invoice is limited to payment with ACH or Credit Card only.

Credit Card only -- Clients can make payments with credit/debit cards only. They will only see the ability to add credit/debit cards in their Billing settings.

ACH only -- Clients can make payments with checking accounts only. They will only see the ability to add checking account information in Billing settings.

For more detail and FAQ about this feature, please see this article!

Name on Invoice

Set a different name to appear on your assigned clients' invoices by going to  Account Settings > Invoice > Name on Invoice.

By default we display the first and last name listed under Your Profile on client invoices. If you want to only display a business name, or you want to add middle names and/or certification designations, you can do that here!

Adding Additional Information to Invoices

Under  Firm Settings > Invoice > Additional Information you can include other details to appear on all invoices for your assigned clients, such as a company address or phone number! (There is no character limit.)

This setting will not display if it has not been turned on by the Account Owner. If you are the Account Owner or Full-access Advisor, your information is set by the Firm setting under Firm Settings > Invoice.

List of Services

To enter your own personal service description for inclusion on invoices requested by you, go to Account Settings > Invoice, select New Service Description, enter a brief title and the description.

Alternative Method

Personal descriptions can also be added, edited, or deleted when creating a client invoice! 

To add a description this way:

1. Go to Create New and type in your desired text/title under Description of Services.

2. Press enter/return to finish creating the new description. This will open up a modal window where you can further add to or edit the description as needed.

Optional: If you want to be sure to save the description to your list of services for future use, you'll want to toggle Save description for use later to on:

To edit/delete descriptions while creating invoices, click the Description of Services drop down menu and hover over existing description titles to see the Edit and Delete options:

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