How to Send Documents Out for Signature (Adobe Acrobat Sign)
Please note: only the Account Owner or Account Owner Admin can update the signature account and any templates in their Adobe Sign account.
Sending a document for signature can be done by bundling it with a payment request, or sending it by itself. We recommend this method for easily and efficiently moving your prospects or clients on to payment after everyone has signed the document! Once the document is complete your client will be instantly notified of the invoice and/or subscription and have the ability to make payment (without any additional work needed by you).
How to Send a Document and Attach a Payment Request
To get started:
1. Add any document template while setting up an invoice request, or from your Documents page select Create New:
2. Select the Client and click Add Document
3. Under Document, click the drop-down menu and select your desired document template.
3a. If your template requires additional signees, select their name from the drop-down menu (available for any account user for your firm, including additional login users that clients have added to their accounts).
- If you have a role named with any variation of the word "client" in it, only clients and their login users will be displayed in the drop-down.
- If you have a role named "advisor" in it, only advisors and admins on your account will display in the drop-down.
Alternatively, (if applicable by the firm) you can manually enter the signee's name + email address if they are not a user that has been added to AdvicePay! These Documents can be sent to anyone outside of AdvicePay.
Tip: Signing order is set when creating a template within Adobe Acrobat Sign. If the template in use has a signing order, the correct order will be displayed automatically.
Each signing role should be defined in the Adobe Acrobat Sign template, but we do recommend leaving the Name and Email section blank on the template so you will be able to select the correct signee from the AdvicePay drop-down.
To receive a notification email each time a signee completes their signature, and a notice when all signatures have been obtained, go to Account Settings > Emails & Notifications > Advisor Notifications and toggle th email setting for Document Signed to on.
- If you don't need to attach any payment requests, please proceed to 5. If you do need to add a payment request go to step 7.
- Next, click Skip Invoice to send only a document then click Send Document. Once you click Send-Document, the option to send a message is shown in the box below, then click Send Document once more:
- Once sent you will be directed to the Document tab once more where you can see the Unopened document. If you are the first to sign, you can sign right inside of AsdvicePay using the dropdown arrow on the document then click Sign Document.
7. Proceed by selecting Attach Invoice and filling out the invoice or subscription information as normal.
When finished, select Finish > Send via email through AdvicePay. Your client (and any additional signees) will receive emails guiding them to sign the document. (If the template has signing order enabled, each signee will then be prompted via email when it is their turn!)
To make edits to the template or fill out custom information first, select Send via email through AdvicePay > Edit & Send Document. You will be taken to the Adobe Acrobat Sign editing screen where you can make changes/enter information before sending.
Pssst. Need help working with your template?Check out Adobe Acrobat Sign's help articles for tips and tutorials or contact their Support team!
Does a Document expire?
A document link can expire if the template in Adobe for the document is set to several days. Please check on your template or with the Account Owner to ensure an adequate number of days is set to allow all parties to sign for each template being used as a document in ADvicePay.