Failed Payments

What happens when a Payment Fails

We're ultimately udesigned to give your clients the ability to self-service any failed payment. If a payment fails, your client is notified either in-app (for initial credit/debit card payments) or via email if the Failed Payment reminder is enabled for subscription and ACH payments since these take time to process. They can go into AdvicePay, add new account information and/or check in with their bank/credit card company, and retry the payment -- all without calling or emailing you. 

Credit Card Failures:

When a credit card is associated with the subscription, the payment is automatically attempted every few days for a total of 3 times. Each time a retry attempt fails, your client will receive an additional email notification about the failure.

When all automatic attempts to retry payment are exhausted and the invoice remains unpaid, it will leave the client's subscription as-is and attempt to charge them as normal on the next scheduled bill date. Your client can attempt to retry the failed payment even after multiple billing periods have passed!

ACH Payment Failures:

ACH-based failures are not automatically retried. Additionally, subscriptions on ACH automatically cancel if the first payment fails. However, once the payment is retried and is successful it automatically re-activates the subscription. 

For example: if your client has an ACH payment for January 1 and it fails, but they never go back in and retry it, then their monthly subscription won’t bill on Feb 1, March 1, etc. However, if they do successfully retry the payment, then the subscription gets created again and resumes billing as normal.

If any accounts are running into issues retrying and receiving continuous failures, Stripe may have block the payment due to their security and fraud prevention measures. Please reach out to and we can help take a look at the account and help get things back in order.

Did you know? If you cancel a subscription after a failed payment, it will also stop all failed payment email reminders on that invoice.

Please note that there is a $4 non-refundable return fee applied by Stripe our payment processor to all failed ACH payments.

Why Credit/Debit Card Payment May Fail

Several things including technical problems may go wrong after a transaction leaves AdvicePay, all of which could result in a decline. On the client’s side, exceeding the credit limit, daily withdrawal frequency, expired cards, and even missing credit card payments can stop the payment from going through.

The transaction may also get declined in the processing stages due to fraud prevention. First-time purchases to a new merchant, unusually large payment amounts, international transactions, and transactions from high fraud zip codes can also cause legitimate transactions to be declined.

Why ACH Payment May Fail

ACH (bank account) payments failure rate is significantly reduced. Typically the only time a payment fails on ACH is because there are insufficient funds in the account or the client has mistakenly entered an incorrect routing/account number. On occasion, a client may close a bank account and forget to update their information for all of their auto-payments or forget they are making payments.

If a client is attempting to pay with a brokerage account that does not have debits enabled or a savings account, the payment will fail.

Steps To Take and Fix a Failed Payment

In cases of failed payments and card declines, we recommend that your client:

1). Review their payment information to make sure it's accurate

2). Check in with their credit card company or bank to receive more details and/or approve the charge

3). Provide Stripe's ID for payments from the bank as they may require this as a fraud protection measure.

Stripe's ID information for making payments via ACH are: 4270465600 - Stripe Inc, and 1800948598 - Stripe Payments Company (provide both).

4). Thereafter, try to re-submit payment on their invoice or use a new payment method. Feel free to reach out to support@advicepay,com if you need further assistance or there are multiple failures. Stripe may have blocked the account due to fraud and to prevent future failures.

📍Here are instructions for clients on how to fix a failed payment

Common Decline Codes

For more information on your client's failed payment situation, please see some of the common decline codes below:


The payment cannot be authorized. The payment should be attempted again. If it still cannot be processed, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card does not support this type of purchase. The customer needs to contact their card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase.


The customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The card does not support the specified currency. The customer needs check with the issuer that the card can be used for the type of currency specified.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. With some card companies, this generic code is used when a card has reached its withdrawal frequency limit for the day. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


A transaction with identical amount and credit card information was submitted very recently. Check to see if a recent payment already exists.


The card has expired. The customer should use another card.


The payment has been declined as Stripe suspects it is fraudulent. Do not report more detailed information to your customer. Instead, let the customer know they need to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card number is incorrect. The customer should try again using the correct card number.


The CVC number is incorrect. The customer should try again using the correct CVC.


The ZIP/postal code is incorrect. The customer should try again using the correct billing ZIP/postal code.


The account has insufficient funds to complete the purchase. The customer should use an alternative payment method.


The card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid. The customer needs to contact their card issuer to check that the card is working correctly.


The payment amoun t is invalid, or exceeds the amount that is allowed. If the amount appears to be correct, the customer needs to check with their card issuer that they can make purchases of that amount.


The CVC number is incorrect. The customer should try again using the correct CVC.


The expiration year is invalid. The customer should try again using the correct expiration date.


The card number is incorrect. The customer should try again using the correct card number.


The card issuer could not be reached, so the payment could not be authorized. The payment should be attempted again. If it still cannot be processed, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.


The payment has declined because the card is reported lost. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The payment is not permitted. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card cannot be used to make this payment. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


An error occured while processing the card. The payment should be attempted again. If it still cannot be processed, try again later.


The payment could not be processed by the issuer for an unknown reason. The payment should be attempted again. If it still cannot be processed, the customer needs to contact their card issuer.


The card cannot be used to make this payment. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The payment has been declined because the card is reported stolen. Do not report more detailed information to your customer. Instead, let the customer know they need to contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


A Stripe test card number was used. A genuine card must be used to make a payment.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. The customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The card has been declined for an unknown reason. Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information.


The customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card. The customer should use an alternative payment method.

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