Adding Administrative Users to Your Account

Adding users to an account is available on Professional and Enterprise plans only. Only Account Owners, Home Office Admin, and Full-Access Advisors can add users. More information on our plans can be found here.

Adding Admin/Analyst users Individually to AdvicePay

1. Under the  Accounts menu option, choose Admins:

2. Click the  Add Admin button in the upper right hand corner:

3. Enter the user's Email, First Name, and Last Name

4. Select the Advisor they will be paired with and the Type of User

  • A Home Office Admin (Admin under the Account Owner) user can do everything the account owner can do, such as invite clients, request payments, cancel invoices, delete clients, and export transaction reports. This user cannot view billing bank information, add/delete Admin and Analyst users, change the company name, and/or delete the account. 
  • A Home Office Analyst user can only view activity on the account (e.g. clients, invoices, and transfers), as well as export transaction reports. They cannot view the billing bank information or make any changes.
  • Admin for an Advisor only can add/delete or edit any AdminAnalyst for their Advisor specifically. They cannot view, add/delete, or edit any Admin (Home Office Admin/users under the Account Owner).
  • Analysts for an Advisor can only view Admin/Analysts and clients for their Advisor specifically. They cannot view, add/delete, or edit any other Admin/Analysts or Home Office Admins.

Important: If you would like to create an Admin (Home Office), just select the Account Owner from the Advisor drop down menu. Admins added for Advisors that are not the Account Owner will be listed as a regular Admin for that specific Advisor only.

5. Click Add

Note: You can change a user's access type by clicking the drop down menu next to the Admin/Analyst, choosing Edit Profile, selecting a different role, and confirming the change by choosing Save:

To delete a user and revoke their access to AdvicePay, simply follow the steps above, but choose Delete Admin.


  • Admin (Home Office under the Account Owner) can add/delete and edit any Admin/Analyst for an Advisor if needed in the firm. Admin can also view and export reports, but cannot see firm settings, view billing bank information, change the company name, and/or delete the account.
  • An Advisor Admin canonly can add/delete or edit any Admin/Analyst for their Advisor specifically (only if the firm allows Advisors to add Admins). They cannot view, add/delete, or edit any Admin (Home Office).
  • An Advisor Analyst can only view Admin/Analyst for their Advisor specifically. They cannot view, add/delete or edit any other Admin/Analyst or Admin (Home Office).

Adding Admin/Analyst users via .CSV in Bulk to AdvicePay

To get started and upload more than one Admin or Analyst to the AdvicePay account, head over to the left sidebar and click on Admins.

Next, click Import:

When clicking Import, you will be presented with a page below, click on the Download Admin Import Template to download the .csv file.

The file will show the below fields with certain items required:

  • First Name (required)
  • Last Name (required)
  • Admin Email (required)
  • Parent Advisor Email (required)
  • Admin Type (required)
  • SSO ID (optional)
  • Disable Direct Login (optional)

Fill in these areas to add the Admins or Analysts, then when ready, click Import, and upload to the same screen as before in the grey box to Drag and drop .CSV here to upload:

Once updated, you will see a screen similar to the one below that the number of Admins or Analysts were detected:

Next, click Review & Import.It will prompt you to the below where you can leave them all selected for import, or deselect those not needed. When done, click Import Selected.

Once added the new Admins and Analysts will show under their parent Advisors and receive an email that they were added to AdvicePay. From the email, they can then create a password and log in to AdvicePay.

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